Well, this was our only poor day- weather was just kind of nasty. We took a 30 minute train ride north to Essen. It was cold, rainy & windy. We also did not find Essen (at least the few blocks we walked) up to par with the other cities we've visited. It may totally be due to the bad weather putting us not in the "strolling" mood. (Sorry Sarah from Essen). It got so windy our umbrellas were getting blown inside out. Their cathedral is nice, but nothing like all the others. The new mall downtown called Limbecker Platz was beautiful and they sure know how to decorate. The one big thing we can see that they have over everyone else is their lighting. They have xmas lights hanging over all the streets and squares and must be beautiful late at night (but we weren't going to wait and see).

Front of our hotel as we were leaving in the morning

Just outside the Essen train station



Walking the rainy streets

Inside the Limbecker Platz, the mall

They DO know how to decorate!!
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